G Pans

by Poppy

I've been waiting forever for this G Pan? Does it exist yet?

Where / when will they be available ?

Any information would be greatly appreciated. I believe the G Tenor Pan will include lower notes than C4. Please advise me if I am wrong

The Genesis pan or G pan is a product of the Steelpan Research Laboratory at the University of the West Indies (Trinidad campus).

They are still working on the G pans so they are not widely available yet. I know the National Steel Symphony Orchestra of Trinidad and Tobago only plays G pans but I doubt the general public will be able to purchase them until they have worked out all the kinks.

All the G pans are supposed to have wider ranges than their traditional counterparts. The range of the tenor G pan is supposed to go well below C4 which will be great! I'm looking forward to that myself! I've gotten rave reviews about the bass G pan. I hear it sounds great and is very powerful but unfortunately is extremely heavy.

I think we are just going to have to wait until Professor Copeland and his team at the Steelpan Research Laboratory are finished with the G pans. I believe it will be worth the wait.

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Jul 08, 2009
G Pans reply
by: Poppy

Wow many thanks for your input, I guess we all have to wait then. Come on Prof Copeland, don't keep us too long, I guess he's busy with the phi though. I was amazed to see that instrument, it kills the PanKat for looks, and the range is to die for. 3 octaves is it? As for sound quality though nothing will ever beat a traditional pan. I always find that the sampled sounds on those things are always lacking in quality... just like a lower end of the market keyboard. But for versatility they win, I would love to try one, guess I have to wait for that too!

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